At the end of October, Women in Animation (WiA) elected two new co-presidents: Margaret Dean and Kristy Scanlan. Additionally, WiA has seen the creation of a new executive committee, board of directors, and advisory committee. The following Animation Magazine news article summarizes the changes along with more info about the new co-Presidents, committee members, and board of directors. Cartoon Brew has also posted an article about this change to WiA that's worth a look.
Additionally, WiA has relaunched their website ( I can verify that the new website makes it much easier to join WiA and renew your membership. However, it also lists upcoming events, links to chapters of WiA outside of the main Los Angeles branch, as well as press releases and articles on WiA.
For those interested in learning more about the history of Women in Animation, a non-profit organization started by Rita Street, Executive Producer and President of Radar Cartoons, I encourge you to read the following article: "Women In Animation: Changing the World: Person by Person, Cel by Cel" written by Rita Street for Animation World Magazine Vol 1, Issue 2 published back in May 1996. The article starts on page 23 in the PDF magazine.